Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One Seed, Makes a World of Difference

"The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same with my word, I send it out and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to and it will prosper where send it."     Isiah 55:10-11 

I sit pondering, (maybe deep thinking is not my thing...) here it goes...

The last few falls of snow are rushing to get their spot. Rain also seems to be doing the same I. I sit listening to the lullaby of drizzling rain... they are readying the earth for the long awaited spring. Every seed yielding flower and fruit will take time and water to bloom and produce. Just like a walk with Jesus... The seeds are planted and nurtured by God, through people we meet every day.
 Jehovah, help me to be nurturing christian. 
 Once seeds are planted they can't help but grow, then we have the choice to beat down what God has made, or listen to the quiet calling, such a gentle whisper.
Lord, praise be to you that I answered your call.  
If we choose to let grow what has taken place, by excepting Jesus into our hearts. It will take time; Watering with prayer, feeding with scripture, and aerating soil with deep books.
Omega, help me to dig deeper no to just scratch shallow surfaces.
The fruit we yield will be for all to see.
Jesus Messiah , let my fruit be rich, let it be beautiful for you, that others will want to know you better. 
Maybe God intends to uproot me.
Father, Take me somewhere to grow me farther into the person you want me to be, your devoted servant.
Though no plant lasts forever, He has made a place where we will...
Thank you, The Author of Life, whose ink of my story runs in your veins, for everything... 

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